It is our turn to return the favor.

About Us

AK Health and Social Services is a community-based nonprofit organization that serves immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and BIPOC communities in Maine. We are committed to promoting health equity, economic justice, and social well-being for our communities through a range of initiatives, including:

  • Providing access to culturally appropriate foods for immigrants and BIPOC communities in Maine, as well as hosting regular food pantries twice a week.

  • Offering culturally and linguistically appropriate education and outreach programs to address various health topics and issues affecting immigrant and BIPOC communities in Maine.

  • Providing training and deployment of community health workers who work directly with immigrant and BIPOC communities in Maine to address social determinants of health.

  • Offering support services to help members find meaningful employment, including resume building, job search assistance, job application support, and transportation to interviews.

  • Advocating for members facing discrimination at work and promoting equal labor force participation.

  • Partnering with organizations such as the Maine CDC, Maine DHHS, Good Food Shepherd, Healthy Androscoggin, University of New England, and Southern Maine Agency on Aging to deliver comprehensive support and services.

At AK Health and Social Services, we believe in fostering an inclusive and equitable community that prioritizes the well-being of all its members. Our goal is to empower and support our communities through non-political processes that promote mutual understanding and dialogue. Join us today in promoting a healthier, more equitable, and just society for all.

Our mission at AK Health and Social Services is to promote health equity, economic justice, and social well-being for immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and BIPOC communities in Maine. We provide a range of services, including healthcare access, food support, nutrition education, job search assistance, and advocacy for members facing discrimination at work. We prioritize culturally and linguistically appropriate support, education, and outreach programs that address various health topics and issues affecting our communities. Through strategic partnerships with community organizations, government agencies, and educational institutions, we mobilize, inspire, and engage our communities to create a vibrant and inclusive society. We are committed to building a healthier, more equitable, and just society for all, where all individuals and communities can thrive.

Our Mission

Our vision at AK Health and Social Services is to create a just and equitable society where all individuals, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or background, have access to quality healthcare, nutritious food, meaningful employment, and the resources they need to thrive. We aspire to be a catalyst for change, leading the way in promoting health equity, economic justice, and social well-being for immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and BIPOC communities in Maine. Through our commitment to culturally and linguistically appropriate services, education, and outreach, we aim to empower our communities to lead healthy, fulfilling lives, while building stronger, more connected, and resilient communities that can weather any challenge. We envision a future where all individuals and communities can live up to their full potential, free from discrimination, oppression, and systemic barriers.

Our Vision